Monday, February 6, 2012

One of Those Nights

I think being a Mommy teaches me an awful lot about the nature of God.  Sometimes, I think that if I were to write a book, that might be the topic.  Tonight, I got this little snippet of a revelation about God's mercy and compassion on His children.

It was most definitely one of "those" nights.  I picked the kids up from daycare, and was greeted with a super-tantrum by Lexi, who didn't want to put her coat on, even though I, as her MOMMY, knew better than her, that she needed to wear the jacket.  Hmm, you can catch the lesson there, I'm sure.  It's pretty obvious.  Then, I picked Jonah up from his class, and he began freaking out because he wanted a piece of candy.  And, so began my evening of precious moments with my babies.  I wish I could say it got better, but really, it didn't.  It was one of those nights.

Lexi proceeded to throw a tantrum over every. little. thing.  She didn't want her diaper changed, she didn't want to get off the treadmill, she didn't want to take a bath, she didn't want to stop brushing her teeth, she wanted her pig, but when I gave it to her, she decided she didn't want her pig.  You know.  One of those nights.  

I finally decided it was time to step back, and give myself a Mommy time-out.  While I was in the kitchen, I heard her slam her bedroom door.  

She can't open doors.  Only close them.  

So, you can imagine how long it took for this precious child...who was defying me, screaming at me, running from me, shutting me realize that, in fact, she really needed me.  

"Mommy!" she cried.  "I want my MOMMY!"  So, what did I do?  I opened up her bedroom door, where she greeted me, snotty face, crocodile tears, and all.  I reached out my arms and said with my melted Mommy heart, "Come to Mommy, baby."  And, with that, she reached up with her exhausted little arms, eager for her Mommy's love, affection, and embrace.  "Hold me!" she pleaded in surrender.  

I did.  

As we walked around, she rested her head on my shoulder, completely relaxed in my arms, and just like that, all was peaceful and right with the world again.

Yep.  I think being a Mommy teaches me an awful lot about the nature of God.

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