Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Careful What You Pray For....

Today was an awesomely productive day at work.  But, man, was I WIPED OUT by the end!

Brain. Fried.

I was so ready to just get home and doze for about 30 minutes before picking up the kids from daycare.

But, when I got home and stuck my key in the door, I remembered I needed to pay my bills.


Then, my other to-do's started plaguing my brain.  I was disgusted, and disappointed.  And, in a rather perturbed, yet somewhat helpless attitude, I cried out to God, "Okay, God!  It appears my work is never done. I either need rest...or I need energy.  One or the other.  Think ya can throw me a bone???  Rest or energy, God.  Rest.... Or energy."  (And, I even remember feeling a little sarcastic & hopeless, like, "Well, good luck with that one, God.  I don't know how you're gonna help me, or where you plan to find me some energy or rest....but I need it!")

I proceeded to make myself a to-do list, in preparation for my trip to Lubbock the remainder of this week.  Then, I started on my bills.  We're ready to pay off a couple of bills.  We had purchased a computer from Best Buy back in July, on a 0% interest credit card for 18-months.  Well, I had set the payments up on automatic bill pay beginning November 1, so I hadn't been monitoring my bill.  So, you can understand my surprise when I opened my bill to view the payoff amount today, to see that we've accrued nearly $200 in late fees and fees for services for which we never enrolled!  We accrued late fees because our billing cycle ends on the 1st, and my first automatic payment hit my account on the 1st, so it was credited as a 2nd payment in the October billing cycle, rather than a payment in the November cycle.

O.M.Geeeee!!  How could this BE?!  We were being penalized a "late fee" for paying our bill too early?!?

I was hot!  I mean, my pulse was pounding, my blood pressure was steaming, my adrenaline was pumping!  

Maybe a bit of an overreaction?

Or maybe my God knows me a little too well...

...as I promptly remembered that prayer I had prayed.

I guess He went for "energy!" :)

Be careful what you pray for....

"Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

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