Monday, December 12, 2011

Faith of a Child

Jonah (age 3) initiated his first prayer the other night.  It went something like this:

Jonah (randomly, out of the blue): “Mommy, is your head hurt?”
Me: “Well, I don’t know, honey?  Would you like to pray for Mommy’s head?”
Jonah (instantly, and without hesitation jumps into my lap and places both hands on my head): “Dear God, please protect us.”
Daddy: “And, what do we say at the end of our prayers, Jonah?”
Jonah: “No!  Mommy, you have to repeat after me, okay?  Dear God, please protect us.”
Me: [Repeats]
Jonah: “And make Mommy’s head better.”
Me: [Repeats]
Jonah: “In Jesus Name we pray, [enthusiastically] AMENNNN!!!!!!!!”
Me: […..cries] J

Can't we all learn something from the simplicity of a child's faith and prayers?  We don't have to make it all bubbly and froofroo (yes, I'm pretty sure I just made up a word).  Sometimes, when we pray out loud, we want it to sound so elegant, but the bottom line is, God already knows our hearts.  We just need to petition Him with our requests.  Sometimes, simplicity is the key.  Simple, straight-forward honesty from the heart. 

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