Friday, July 12, 2013

Resting in Him

It was the week of July 4th -- a particularly busy week for our family this year.  The 4th was on a Thursday, but we had things on the agenda every single night, and the kids were having to stay up well past bedtime every night. The city fireworks show was scheduled for July 3rd this year, and it didn't start until 10pm.  My kids usually go to bed at 8:30.  (And, my kids don't nap).  

This was the first year that Lexi was big enough to stay up for the show.  She made it, and fell asleep around 11:30 that night, only to wake up at the crack of dawn the next day.

So, on July 4th, we had plans to go watch fireworks again, with some good friends, who put on a phenomenal show every year, along with dinner and lots of kid-friendly opportunities throughout the evening (bouncy castle, sand pit, putt-putt, etc.)  It was sure to be a fun evening, but would put our kids up late, yet again.

And, did I mention that my kids don't nap??

By about mid-morning on the 4th, it became painfully evident that Lexi was overtired, and was not going to hold out for another late night.  (Not a pleasant one, anyway...)  

And, so began the battle.  The nap time nightmare.  I'm pretty sure if there was an Olympic sport  for Fighting Sleep, my daughter would be a gold medal contender!!

She put up as good a fight as ever, and I felt so exasperated - mainly because I knew that there were some wonderfully fun things in store for her for the evening, if she would only get some rest.  If she didn't get rest, one of two things would happen.  We would either not get to go at all, or we would get to go, but she would be so tired, she wouldn't be able to enjoy all of the activity, due to being completely spent.

As I desperately battled to get her to submit to the inevitable nap (to which she finally did give in, by the way!!), I had a revelation:

I wanted Lexi to rest.  Not because I wanted a break, or wanted relief from the bad attitudes and sibling rivalry (although that is, admittedly, sometimes my motivation.  Haha).  No, I wanted her to rest because I knew what was in store for her for the evening, and I wanted her to be completely ready to receive and enjoy the goodness!!

In the same way, God has wonderful gifts and encounters in store for us.  He knows the plans He has for us.  But, He also wants us to find rest in Him, so that we, too, can be ready to receive all that He has for us.  Rest in God has been set up since the original commandments, "Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy."  Why would God want us to rest?  To "remember the Sabbath?"  He wants us to take time away from the busyness of life, from the "work" (whatever that may be) to simply be in His presence.  To rest in His love.  To connect, with an undivided heart, to Him.  That He might restore our souls.  Relieve our stress.  Adjust our attitudes. Encourage our hearts. Give us Life.  The full Life that He has intended for us, that He has breathed into existence before we have ever even conceived of it in our minds.  He has good gifts He wants to give to His children, and when we stop and find rest in Him, we are better equipped to recognize the goodness, to embrace it, to walk in our destiny, and to enjoy this life for all that it is worth.

When I look at it this way, I think, why in the world would I resist this kind of rejuvenating rest?  I mean, seriously,  I am no different that Lexi, except that mine is a spiritual resistance, while Lexi's is one in the natural.  Thanks be to God for this revelation, for it compels me to truly find my rest in Him, alone!!  

How about you??

Ah, yes!!  My soul finds rest in God, alone!!  Bring it on, Lord!!!


  1. Hannah,I love the insight you were given. Thank you for sharing. On the days I feel challenged I will keep this in my heart.

  2. Very good insights- thanks for posting!
    There are some thoughts here that remind me of Graham Cooke's Rest series :) Why, oh why do we fight going to Him? ;) sigh...
