Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bubble Bath Brilliance

Last night, after an amazing night of worship and fellowship at the Love and Care Ministries Tent Revival, I came home and decided to relax over a nice warm bubble bath.  Still on a bit of a spiritual high, I picked up a handful of the bubbles, and asked the Lord, "Tell me something about these bubbles, God."  Praise God for His promise that when we ask for bread, He will not give us a stone! (Matt. 7:9-11)

Without a moment's notice, the Lord delivered.  Immediately (no exaggeration -- I mean right away) after I asked the Lord for a little something, I had an answer.  One that was far smarter than I could have come up with on my own, in such a swift instance! 

See, we have this really brilliant, hot can light above our bathtub.  As I gazed upon the bubbles, some were really large, and some were so very tiny.  But, they all had one thing in common.  Every single bubble reflected the light from above.  EVERY. ONE.  Without exception.  And, trust me, I spent a lot of time looking for one that didn't!  No matter the size of the bubble, it reflected the light.  Some had brighter reflections, and some even had a double portion of the reflection, but they all had it!!  And, the magnificent thing was the way the clusters of bubbles created a truly brilliant, beautiful shimmer of light -- a perfect culmination of all of that light reflected from above.

God helped me to see that we, as Jesus followers, are just like those bubbles.  When the Lord shines into us, we cannot help but reflect His light.  He has deposited a measure of Himself in each and every one of us, whether we realize it or not.  No matter our "size," His reflection is there.  And, in fact, His light is reflected in greater proportion to some of the seemingly smaller vessels!! Some have a brighter reflection, and some even have a double portion anointing, but we all reflect the Father's light, because He is pouring into us.  And, when we get together, what an even more ridiculously awe-inspiring, yea brilliant, reflection we depict of the Lord's light and love!!

How FUN is that?!?  God is so GOOD!

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