Friday, January 27, 2012

Delusions of Holier Grandeur

I'm struggling with arrogance.  Arrogance of thinking that I've got it more "spiritually together" than someone else.  I won't say who, but well, suffice it to say, God helped to put me back in my place.  Here I was, engaged in my holier than thou internal dialogue....a truly ugly little talk that I would never say out LOUD, but will surely think inside of my head.  Have you ever caught yourself in such a dialogue?  "God is telling me all of these things, and opening my heart to His will for my life, and this is awesome.  Too bad so-and-so doesn't get that, or have that kind of relationship with God."  Oh, it's nothing I am proud to admit, but there I was the other day, right after church, no less, truly scrutinizing someone for their behavior right after the service.  "Well, look at that person!  He just showed up at church one way, and left the exact same way!  Why isn't heeeee being transformed by the Word like IIIIII am?"  Meanwhile, there I was JUDGING my neighbor, deciding for myself what God is doing with, in, and for that person's life.  Arrogance.  Wow.  But, God stopped me in the midst of my very thoughts (so I know it wasn't from me!), and I heard this crystal clear message.  A nice, peaceful message ("WHAT?" I thought, "WHO IS THAT?  CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING RATHER IMPORTANT HERE??") interrupting my harsh judgmental internal barrage of criticism toward someone's character and lack of holiness: "Hannah, Hannah, Hannah.  Listen to yourself.  How are you behaving any better than the one whom you judge?  Listen to me.  I see that person absolutely no differently than I see you!  My love for him is the same as it is for you.  The blood of Christ has covered all sin.  You were all sinners, and yet I sent my son to die that whoEVER believes in Him shall have eternal life. You are both my children, and I long for your hearts equally.  I love him no less than you.  I view him no differently than you.  You are both my children, and I love you both beyond measure."

What a tremendous lesson, and one that I needed!  I wouldn't typically like to admit that I walk around with an internal holier-than-thou attitude, judging the true holiness of my fellow "church-going Christians."  But, it's the message that God sent me, even in the midst of my delusions of holier grandeur that made it worth sharing.  I can only assume (although I may be totally wrong!) that others may struggle with this temptation to mentally try your neighbors, as well.  If so, remember what God revealed to me, and be encouraged, God loves you.  And, He loves me.  And, His grace is sufficient for all who believe!

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